Find Where You Belong
Our vibrant St. Mary’s Church offers a wide variety of ministries for you to get involved. Whether you are passionate about music, landscaping, Faith Formation, helping at Mass, praying for others, or social justice, etc, we have a place for you. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to use your talents, meet new friends, grow in faith and make a difference in the world.

Buildings and Grounds
This committee meets at 7:00pm on the third Tuesday of every month to review and plan facility and landscaping projects for the church.
For more information contact Brian Huddle at 641-780-2684
Church Life
The Church Life Commission plans ways to develop a sense of community within the parish. This is done through welcoming newcomers, parish socials, dinners, etc. Please consider joining the Commission to help build a stronger, more hospitable parish community. The households of the parish are divided into five “circles”. These circles are called on to assist with various church life activities.
Contact the Parish Office for more information: 641-628-3078
Faith Formation
The Faith Formation Commission meets the third Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am. The Commission serves the parish by developing, implementing, and evaluating programs that enrich the faith life of children, youth, and adults. The Commission provides oversight of the following Faith Formation ministry areas. Please consider joining this faith-filled commission!
For more information contact Paulina Loaiza at 641-628-3078 or at
Family Life
The purpose of the Family Life Commission is to establish opportunities that will facilitate the Christ-centered growth and well-being of the family in all its expressions and stages. This commission meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
For more information contact Teri Lickteig or Jake Reed via the Parish Office at 641-628-3078.
The Liturgy Commission meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. to learn more about the Liturgy and to prepare for the various liturgical seasons, feasts, and special celebrations. It also recruits and trains liturgical ministers and promotes various forms of devotional prayer. The Commission oversees the following liturgical ministry areas listed below. Please consider joining this important Commission. For more information contact the parish office at (641) 628-3078.
Social Action
The Social Action Commission coordinates parish opportunities for service and promotes the work that is being done in the areas of social action and peace, including legislative issues and the political process.
This commission oversees the following social action ministries and also allocates funds to agencies that help those in need in our local community.
For more information, please contact Sharon Lehn at
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