Parish Council
The Parish Council has been formed to pray, to plan, to propose, and to promote our common vision and purpose: to proclaim Christ to the world around us through the ministries of Word, Worship, and Service.
The Parish Council is a group of people who together represent the parish and plan and guide its growth. The members of the council work through long-range planning, the setting of priorities, and the implementation of programs through the six ministries:
- Liturgy
- Faith Formation
- Church Life
- Social Justice
- Stewardship
- Family Life
- Administration
The Parish Council is an elected advisory group for the Pastor. It is comprised of twelve elected parishioners, chairpersons of the commissions, the Pastor, the religious education director and any special appointees by the pastor (such as Trustees, Central College students, etc.). All parishioners are encouraged to participate in some aspect of the various commissions. The council meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm.
Finance Council
This council meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm to consider and make recommendations concerning parish finances. They develop the yearly budget and supervise spending that helps meet the physical and spiritual needs of the church. Members of this group are appointed by the Pastor in accordance with the Code of Canon Law.
For more information contact the Church Office at 641-628-3078.
Lay Ministers
The Corporate Board of St. Mary Pella (two lay directors appointed by the Bishop) manages the assets of SMP which include material resources, land, buildings, and finances to enable the Parish to carry on the work of Christ.
For more information contact the Church Office at 641-628-3078