These ministries assist when we come together to celebrate the Mass. There are many ways that you can use your gifts and talents to bring beauty to the Mass.
Altar Servers
Alter Servers assist the priest during Mass by participating in the entrance procession, presentation of the gifts, preparation of the altar, and holding the missal (the book used by the priests). The ministry is open to boys and girls in the fifth grade through high school who participate in the appropriate training sessions and periodic enrichment experiences.
For more information contact Patrice Langenfeld at 641-780-8824
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Join a group of adults who lead the Children’s Liturgy at the Sunday 10:30 am Mass during the school year. The adult leader proclaims the Gospel in an age-appropriate manner and facilitates children’s understanding of the Good News. A “user-friendly” lectionary and children’s guide are provided. Virtus training is required .
For more information contact Paulina Loaiza at or 641-628-3078
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest and deacon with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass. Ministers receive the opportunity for spiritual enrichment to help deepen their faith and reverence for the sacred presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Ministers of Holy Communion must be in full communion with the Church and must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
For more information contact Patrice Langenfeld at 641-780-8824.
Funeral Ministers
Servers, readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are needed to assist at funeral Masses with only a few days notice.
For more information contact Patrice Langenfeld at 641-780-8824.
Greeters/Ministers of Hospitality
Greeters/Ministers of Hospitality assist the ushers in welcoming people with a smile and making visitors feel “at home” here at St. Mary’s. Individuals or families are invited to become greeters before the Mass they usually attend.
For more information contact Patrice Langenfeld at 641-780-8824.
Ministers of Communion to the Homebound
This ministry is necessary to bring Communion to members of our community who are unable to attend Mass due to age, illness, or other circumstances. This ministry involves bringing the Eucharist to people in their homes.
For more information contact Sue Larvick at 641-780-3236.
Readers (Proclaimers of the Word)
Readers (Proclaimers of the Word) proclaim the Word of God at Mass in an inspiring and meaningful way. They carefully review the Scripture passages and practice reading them aloud before coming to church. Training is provided.
For more information contact Patrice Langenfeld at 641-780-8824.
Sacristans assist with setting up for Mass, making sure all the liturgical ministers are in place prior to the start of Mass and returning the books and sacred vessels to their proper places in the sacristy.
For more information contact Patrice Langenfeld at 641-780-8824.
Ushers are needed to provide hospitality for the congregation and assistance to the celebrant before, during, and after each Mass. They assist with seating, taking collections, the Communion procession, special needs, and opening/closing of doors for parishioners as they arrive/leave Mass. Adults and youth are encouraged to be involved. Training is provided.
For more information contact Patrice Langenfeld at 641-780-8824.