What is OCIA?

OCIA stands for the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (formerly known as RCIA). It is the process of formation by which unbaptized people enter the Catholic Church. Children over the age of seven through adults follow this process. Those people already baptized but preparing for full membership in the Catholic Church also enter the RCIA process and continue their formation.

Various liturgical rites mark one’s progress in the journey of faith and culminate in full membership in the Catholic Christian community, typically at Easter Vigil Mass. The whole process and its rites are celebrated with and in the context of the local parish community and diocese. The community supports them on their spiritual journey.

Our OCIA schedule begins in October and runs through May.

OCIA Interest Form

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To learn more about OCIA: Contact Paulina Loaiza at pellastmarydre@diodav.org or Guy Boll at 937-344-9724.